Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)


Note   The IDvdInfo interface is deprecated.

Retrieves the TXTDT_MG structure, which can contain text descriptions for title name, volume name, producer name, vocalist name, and so on, in various languages.


    BYTE *pTextManager,
    ULONG cbBufSize,
    ULONG *pcbActualSize



[out, size_is(cbBufSize)] Pointer to the retrieved text manager.


[in] Size of the buffer for pTextManager, in bytes.


[out] Pointer to a value containing the number of bytes of data returned.

Return Value

Returns an HRESULT value .

Return code Description
E_UNEXPECTED DVD is not initialized or domain is not DVD_DOMAIN_Title.
S_OK Success.
VFW_E_DVD_INVALIDDOMAIN Requested action is not supported on this domain (DVD_DOMAIN).
VFW_E_DVD_OPERATION_INHIBITED Requested action cannot occur at this point in the movie due to the authoring of the current DVD-Video disc.


This method is valid in any domain. For more information, see DVD_DOMAIN.

If the supplied buffer size in cbBufSize is too small for the data, (for example if cbBufSize equals zero), then this method returns E_OUTOFMEMORY and sets the value pointed to by pcbActualSize to the required size.

For more information, refer to Section 4.1.6 and Annex A of the DVD-Video specification.

See Also